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Amerzone Offline
#1 ارسال شده : 1400/01/05 07:52:41 ق.ظ

رتبه: Newbie

گروه ها: Registered
ارسالها: 2

They won't be talking before. You can buy the Mamba Forever Edition if you do not want to decide Day 1. But most of us, myself included, would play on Day 1. But I'm not likely to cover for Mamba Forever variant without understanding what I'm purchasing. And I am definitely not going to wait until October to Buy 2K21 MT, because that is just about a month before the next-gen game comes out (assuming the next-gen games launch at the exact same time as the newest consoles). Basically, buying Mamba Forever variant at any given point is only a bad choice in my view if you're buying it to get both versions of NBA 2K21.

My concern is are they going to address the basketball IQ of the cpu It is my biggest pet peeve at NBA 2K21. Kevin Durant has even tweeted about how stupid it is!

This year's match has never seen such ignorance in AI teammates! When it's not your center standing a foot inside the half court line in offensive places, then immediately obtaining a halfcourt violation when you pass to him because no matter what you do his very first move would be to step back and plant his foot. Or your teammates that endure either 4 ft behind the 3 point line or directly on it catch and take 3s are always screwed up by having to reposition them after the catch. Or teammates that either bring their defender clog your path to the basket and directly to you while driving or simply get. Or teammates who without fail do not do exactly what they're supposed on displays no matter what your preferences are on. Or bigs that swat the ball out of bounds when they have uncontested rebounds, or else they grab the board with one foot out of bounds. Or teammates which take off in their place the second you attempt to maneuver to them for an turnover to your competitor.

2k20 has been in ridding you for playing defense the absolute worst! Many block shots turn into instantaneous aids for the other team? How many times can you poke at a ball free from a chunk handler to see it roll directly to an opponent for a wide open shot? How many times has the opposing teams SG captured multiple rebounds against your entire frontcourt!?! Your badges do not mean offline. GOAT Hakeem with 99s and every HoF badge always gets out rebounded with a 6' protector after you block three of his shots simply to observe him green that attempt. You shouldn't get punished for playing with defense nor should you have to attempt to triumph despite your own teammates giving NBA 2K21 off!

The AI is largely why I can't even endure playing career. I'll be running a clear pick and soda on top of the key.when that the teammate who had been terrifying in the corner another ago, is bringing his defender straight to me. Or they'll collapse on my driveway, and my teammate that should be outside is instead camping just outside the paint.then when I struck him, instead of pulling the easy mid range, he does the specific same slow roll and layup animation every time, either getting blocked or smothered. And 2K's thought of"enhanced AI" so far is to just blindly send doubles at you after you score a few times.

I've broken 2 controllers so much this season having to take care of the level of stupidity of my GOAT squad. I despise that show collect bs they force you to utilize. All it does is give the D that much more time! Does the cpu get to drain greens in your smothered D every time down the court, and completely dismiss your intimidator badge but if they are in 5 feet you airball every white shot you require. And is it even possible that their defense is your ability to maneuver the ball!?! If they believe I am falling another dime on their own merchandise that is bullshit 2K can kick rocks. It doesn't even resemble real basketball with all these out of cards and men like Eddy Curry, who never taken a 3 in his whole career, suddenly can not miss!

The tougher you get level wise doesn't apply to your own teammates. All they do to make the levels tougher is crank the dial to 11. This sport has become a cash grab and cover to win NBA2king. I only wish I could play 2k16 if NBA 2K21 was fun.
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